Game Logo is Here! The demo release is Planned!

Devlog Update: Game Title is Here! 

This week, I revisited the quest/conversation system after discovering a deep issue that required a redesign. It took two days to resolve, but I’m happy to say it’s now functioning well. I still need to implement it into the save/load system, but progress is steady.

On a brighter note, the game now officially has its title logo! I worked with an artist, and I think she did an amazing job. I can’t wait for you all to see it. She’s now moving on to create the studio logo, and I hope to have that ready within a week.

As for game assets, I modeled the Inn, which brings us to a full set of key buildings: House, Town Center, Warehouse, and Inn. With that in place, we’re getting closer to launching our first demo for early community members. I’m working on the game page and plan to release it once the logos are finalized.

The closed prototype demo scenario is now planned, and I’m excited to see the feedback on that. Overall, progress is coming along, though it’s taken a bit longer than expected. Any feedback, advice, or help is welcome!


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This game is looking goood!

Thank you so much :)